Justice for Yegor!
Un fan al lui Spartak Moscova, Yegor Sviridov, a fost ucis. Violente in Rusia
28 years old Spartak Moscow fan Egor Sviridov has been killed on 6th of December in Moscow. He has been shot in a fight with 8 members of ethnic gang of muslims from Caucasus (Dagestanis and Chechens). He and other 4 lads stood in Kronshtadsky parkway waiting for taxi. A group of Caucasian youth passed and started to insult Russians, as fight has begun they used firearms. Egor has been killed. Murderers are arrested but it seems that due to pessure from muslim diasporas and police corruption nothing serious will happen to them.
On 7th on December Russian football fans blocked Leningradskoye highway one of the major thruways of Russia's capital.
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