Boxerul rus Roman Simakov a murit după ce în urmă cu trei zile a fost făcut KO de conaţionalul său Sergey Kovalev într-un meci pentru centrua WBC Asia la semigrea.
Conform medicilor, moartea lui Simakov, care până acum înregistrase 19 victorii şi un singur eşec, a survenit ca urmare a mai multor traumatisme craniene.
Omerta Terrormachine#25: Interviews: Creativity Alliance (Australia), Winterattack Zine (Russia), Veneto Fronte Skinheads (Italy). Editorial, NS/WP News. Articles: “Lorentzos Mavilis: 99 years after the death of the Greek Volunteer” by George Kourkoutas, Quotes of George Lincoln Rockwell from the legendary book “White Power”, Thule Books,For a new Beginning by Evita Peron (rare speech in Buenos Aires in 1952), What is Blood&Honour?/ Combat 18 Hellas Statement, “This book is a great honour for me” by Henrik Holappa, New releases, Α.Μ.Ε. speaking, Russian NS magazines, Limit of Hatred magazine, New NS magazines, Quotes from the Heroes.