People Haters - Jiggaboo Stick
Nu stiu ce parere are lumea, dar eu zic ca asa-i, maimutele miros urat :)))
Muzică, film şi sport pentru naţionalişti
Nu stiu ce parere are lumea, dar eu zic ca asa-i, maimutele miros urat :)))
1. Dödelhaie – Radikal
2. Rise Against – Black Masks And Gasoline (live)
3. Stahlgewitter – Im Krieg gegen ein Scheiss System
4. Pestpocken – Freiheit oder Tod
5. Sturmwehr – Frei geboren
6. Dödelhaie – Gerechtigkeit (live)
7. DRK & Brigade M – Kraken Gaat Door
8. Hassgesang – Brot und Spiele
9. Abfallsozialprodukt – Parteien
10. Dritte Wahl – Nur ein Sklave
10 piese, fiecare de o buna calitate si plasate impreuna pe o compilatie intitulata Muziek voor Autonomen Vol.I. Durata albumului este de 35 de minute si este disponibil pentru o donatie voluntara catre nationalistii autonomi (Den Haag) si vor fi folositi exclusiv pentru a acoperi costurile de productie, materiale de propaganda si alte activitati la nivel local.
Comanda prin intermediul adresei de mail
Nu puteam sa ma abtin sa nu postez videoclipul lui Sleipnir - Guten tag, cu luptele de pe Kreuzbergstrasse si Prenzlauer Berg din Berlinul anilor '90.
Asa ar trebui sa fie, sa ne trezim pana nu e prea tarziu.
Partea a doua a documentarului cu Mistreat.
O foarte cunoscuta trupa Finlandeza numita Mistreat, cu foarte multe melodii bune. In fiecare Weekend voi posta cate 1 interviu cu diverse trupe.
Lasat luptele sa inceapa odata, nu avem timp de pierdut ca sa ne putem salva Rasa !!!
In parodiile trupei Racist Redneck Rebel se ascunde de fapt adevarul.
Interesante imaginile din videoclipul celor de la Bound For Glory.
No comment, videoclipul spune totul de la sine.
Un interviu cu una dintre cele mai cunoscute trupe NS !!!
La intrebarea "de ce vrem sa cantam ?" o sa ne raspunda Gigi si die braunen Stadtmusikanten.
To fight for a land fit for heroes,
God on my side, and a gun in my hand,
Chasing my days down to zero,
And I marched and I fought and I bled and I died,
And I never did get any older,
But I knew at the time that a year in the line,
Is a long enough life for a soldier,
We all volunteered, and we wrote down our names,
And we added two years to our ages,
Eager for life and ahead of the game,
Ready for history's pages,
And we brawled and we fought and we whored 'til we stood,
Ten thousand shoulder to shoulder,
A thirst for the Hun, we were food for the gun,
And that's what you are when you're soldiers,
I heard my friend cry, and he sank to his knees,
Coughing blood as he screamed for his mother,
And I fell by his side, and that's how we died,
Clinging like kids to each other,
And I lay in the mud and the guts and the blood,
And I wept as his body grew colder,
And I called for my mother and she never came,
Though it wasn't my fault and I wasn't to blame,
The day not half over and ten thousand slain,
And now there's nobody remembers our names,
And that's how it is for a soldier.
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